The pest you’re likely referring to is the cockroach, one of the most successful indoor pests known to mankind. Cockroaches have inhabited the Earth for over 300 million years, dating back to the Carboniferous period. There’s a multitude of factors contributing to their omnipresence around the globe.
1. Adaptability: Cockroaches are highly adaptive creatures. They can survive in a variety of environments, from the Arctic cold to the tropical heat. This adaptability has allowed them to spread worldwide.
2. Diet: Cockroaches are omnivorous scavengers and can feed on a wide array of organic (including decaying) material, which is abundant in human habitats.
3. Reproduction: Cockroaches reproduce rapidly and in large numbers which ensures their survival and spread.
4. Tolerance: They can survive without food for up to a month and without water for up to a week. This, along with their ability to tolerate a wide range of temperatures, makes them incredibly resilient.
5. Nuisance value: As pests, cockroaches are hard to eradicate once they’ve made a home, partly due to their quick reproduction cycles, and partly due to their tendency to hide in difficult-to-reach places.
6. Co-evolving with humans: Cockroaches thrive in environments created by humans. As human civilizations expanded, so did cockroach populations. Their nocturnal nature also helped them avoid human interaction during their most active periods.
Lastly, cockroach species