President Joe Biden has said he is open to considering major reforms to the Supreme Court, a position that could potentially lead to significant changes in the highest court in the United States. This comes in contrast to his previous stance, when he had been less inclined towards making major changes.
One potential reform is expanding the number of justices on the Supreme Court, a concept sometimes referred to as “packing the court”. The idea is to balance the court more evenly by adding more justices. However, this proposal is deeply controversial as it could potentially weaken the independence of the judiciary and is seen as highly partisan.
Another possible proposal is implementing term limits for justices. Currently, justices serve lifetime appointments, but some have suggested introducing 18-year term limits.
Recently, President Biden has formed a bipartisan commission to study the structure of the Supreme Court, including the number of justices in the court and the length of their service. The formation of this commission may signal his willingness to potentially pursue these reforms.
However, any such reform would need significant political support to pass through Congress, and it’s unclear whether such support currently exists. The issue is likely to remain a hotly debated topic in American politics.