The West Bank, like Gaza, has a long history of conflict, tensions, and struggle. Much of the recent unrest is linked to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
1. Escalating tensions: Tensions have been escalating in the West Bank as well as Gaza, due to political uncertainty, economic conflict, protests, and a series of attacks that has led to the death of both Palestinians and Israelis.
2. Settlement issues: The West Bank is also seeing an intensification of the settlement issues. Israeli settlements in the territory, considered illegal by much of the international community, have been a longstanding point of contention.
3. Eviction of Palestinian families: Another key issue is the potential eviction of Palestinian families in East Jerusalem, particularly in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood which also has a flashpoint recently.
4. Gaza-West Bank disconnect: The political disconnect between the Gaza Strip, governed by Hamas, and the West Bank, governed by the Palestinian Authority, has also contributed to the unrest.
5. End of President Mahmoud Abbas’ term: There’s also political unrest due to the indefinite suspension of Palestinian elections, which was seen as a means for President Mahmoud Abbas to maintain power in the West Bank, as his official term ended in 2009.
6. US-Israeli relationship: The relationship between the U.S. and Israel, especially with the new U.S. administration under President Biden, can affect the dynamics of the situation in the West Bank, where the US can leverage significant influence